Week 14 - Finalize everything...

Friday, 9 November 2012

Finally, I'm already done in week 14..
Presentation in front of assessor done..
But I don't have the opportunity to demo
in front of my supervisor.. =(

A few days before presentation,
I'm quite busy on the design of PCB board
of Arduino.

Below are some pictures during preparing the
PCB Arduino.. :)

1st step :
Design the Arduino circuit in pcb layout
by using Diptrace.
PCB layout of Arduino circuit
2nd step:
Ironing the board by layered it
with a small fabric.
3rd step:
Etching by using the Acid liquid.

4th step:
After the drill, the connection is checked 
to make sure when placing the components,
there are connected.

Finally.. the circuit is looks like this.
Arduino circuit done in pcb board
Done on all the steps, troubleshooting need to be do.
This is to make sure the voltage is enough supplied to
the components. At first some of not connection.. by 
place the jumper to the specific connection. Problem 
is solved. 

Next, proceed on the casing.. 
The final look is like in the picture 
below : 
Remote Patient Monitoring System
Regarding on the pulse oximeter coding..
Sadly to say here, I'm not finding the right 
coding. I had a limited of time, I'm just make
my own program, which I make a condition 
The result as shown below:

The result is obtained
Transmission of the data and displayed in serial monitor

Overall, it might be not so perfect
because the SpO2 I'm not success 
in obtained the coding.
I'm still grateful to Allah by giving me
the strength and confident to settle all this.
14 weeks struggling  in this final project is 
really worth until success during the 
presentation day.. :)
Thank you to Sir Zul, En.Azmi, Nik.
Not forget to my beloved parents that 
keep on pray for me.. :) 
Friends, thanx a lot.. ;)

Week 13 - APC220 Radio Communication Module

Thursday, 1 November 2012

As salam..

Week 13 already..
Now, I will focus on the
APC220 Radio Communication Module.

What is APC220 ?

The APC220 radio module provides a simple and
economic solution to wireless data communications.
The employment of an embedded high speed
microprocessor and high performance IC creates a
transparent UART/TTL interface and eliminates any
need for packetizing (form data into packets)
and data encoding.


  • Transmit distance up to 1000m @ 9600bps 
  • 256 bytes data buffer
  • High sensitivity (-112dbbm @ 9600 bps)
  • GFSK modulation
  • UART/TTL interface
  • Size: 37x17x6.5mm
I had done by used this module to my 
project. Here are the results:

Heart Rate is displayed in LCD by connecting with the APC220

The measurement heart rate is displayed in serial monitor
Both of the pictures, show the measurement of
heart rate. The data is running at the same time.
How the laptop can received the data is through 
the APC220 that is plugged at the laptop like 
show in the picture below: 

APC220 plugged in to laptop

I'm also tried this transmission of data by the 
distance 1000m. It's successful... :)