Week 14 - Finalize everything...

Friday, 9 November 2012

Finally, I'm already done in week 14..
Presentation in front of assessor done..
But I don't have the opportunity to demo
in front of my supervisor.. =(

A few days before presentation,
I'm quite busy on the design of PCB board
of Arduino.

Below are some pictures during preparing the
PCB Arduino.. :)

1st step :
Design the Arduino circuit in pcb layout
by using Diptrace.
PCB layout of Arduino circuit
2nd step:
Ironing the board by layered it
with a small fabric.
3rd step:
Etching by using the Acid liquid.

4th step:
After the drill, the connection is checked 
to make sure when placing the components,
there are connected.

Finally.. the circuit is looks like this.
Arduino circuit done in pcb board
Done on all the steps, troubleshooting need to be do.
This is to make sure the voltage is enough supplied to
the components. At first some of not connection.. by 
place the jumper to the specific connection. Problem 
is solved. 

Next, proceed on the casing.. 
The final look is like in the picture 
below : 
Remote Patient Monitoring System
Regarding on the pulse oximeter coding..
Sadly to say here, I'm not finding the right 
coding. I had a limited of time, I'm just make
my own program, which I make a condition 
The result as shown below:

The result is obtained
Transmission of the data and displayed in serial monitor

Overall, it might be not so perfect
because the SpO2 I'm not success 
in obtained the coding.
I'm still grateful to Allah by giving me
the strength and confident to settle all this.
14 weeks struggling  in this final project is 
really worth until success during the 
presentation day.. :)
Thank you to Sir Zul, En.Azmi, Nik.
Not forget to my beloved parents that 
keep on pray for me.. :) 
Friends, thanx a lot.. ;)

Week 13 - APC220 Radio Communication Module

Thursday, 1 November 2012

As salam..

Week 13 already..
Now, I will focus on the
APC220 Radio Communication Module.

What is APC220 ?

The APC220 radio module provides a simple and
economic solution to wireless data communications.
The employment of an embedded high speed
microprocessor and high performance IC creates a
transparent UART/TTL interface and eliminates any
need for packetizing (form data into packets)
and data encoding.


  • Transmit distance up to 1000m @ 9600bps 
  • 256 bytes data buffer
  • High sensitivity (-112dbbm @ 9600 bps)
  • GFSK modulation
  • UART/TTL interface
  • Size: 37x17x6.5mm
I had done by used this module to my 
project. Here are the results:

Heart Rate is displayed in LCD by connecting with the APC220

The measurement heart rate is displayed in serial monitor
Both of the pictures, show the measurement of
heart rate. The data is running at the same time.
How the laptop can received the data is through 
the APC220 that is plugged at the laptop like 
show in the picture below: 

APC220 plugged in to laptop

I'm also tried this transmission of data by the 
distance 1000m. It's successful... :)

Week 12 - Wifi shield is getting problem !

Friday, 26 October 2012

As salam..

Last two days, I had went to Shah Alam,
regarding on the problem of wifi shield.
The problem is like in this video :

I went back to Shah Alam to see Nik and
En.Azmi regarding on this problem.
What I found in solving this matter is :

Clicked the Terminal, for the Local echo and Local
line editting, clicked at the "Force on". Before this
it sets at "Auto". That is the reason why the problem
is happened that show in the video.

Then, you clicked open, it will be ready to type the
AT command.
Before that, we find out the IP address, gateway
and subnet. Below are some of pictures that show
the AT command. Which some of is ERROR,
and finally solved by searching in internet the right

IP address is success
AT command of "AT+WAUTO.." is success

AT command of "AT + NAUTO.. " is success

Below is the AT command by looking on the 
tutorial of Putty I had :

AT command of Putty configuration

By looking on the pictures that had taken
and with the AT command, can see the different.
Some of AT commands are ERROR when type
in the Putty. So, the pictures taken are the right 
All that, by referring on this link 

When all the AT command is successful.
The wifi also success acted as a server.
But, other problem is come. 
It's not connected to the Arduino.
When looking on the post last week,
at the end, supposedly, the data that type 
in Putty, will be linked to the Arduino, 
but at this time, there is no connecting..
Error is found. We had tried to change the 
arduino uno, but still not connected. Searching in 
internet, if it has any solutions, but still no highlight
to solve the problem.

Finally, En.Azmi and Nik suggested, what if 
change to used a APC220 Radio Communication 
Module.The module is seems like a Xbee. 
Which a complete module with transmitter in receiver.
Here is the picture of 
APC220 Radio Communication Module.
APC220 Radio Communication Module
APC220 Radio Communication Module
Since just leave 2 weeks for the presentation,
This module also relate with transmit data to 
the laptop which can view directly by a clinician.
So I've decided to buy this APC220.

Week 12 - Done on setting up the wifi shield !

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

As salam..

Regarding on the post last week, I had decided went
to Shah Alam to meet En.Azmi regarding on the
problem of wifi shield V2.2. I met En.Azmi and Nik,
one of person that had experienced in Arduino.

Nik helped me to set up the wifi.
At first, it still give no result.
I'm worried it might be hardware problem as
what Sir Zul said.
Nik keep tried. Alhamdulillah..
the wifi shield V2.2 is gave a response.
That means the wifi is well-functioned.

The way he sets up, he used a Putty configuration.
Which Putty also the software that functioned
same like WizSmartScript. The software is looks
like as shown below :

First step :
1)   Set the Putty Configuration with serial line
      which is the COM port and also the speed
      as a baud that fixed in 115200.

2)   Clicked "Open".
       It will show as below:

By display this, you can send AT commands to Wifi
module through your serial terminal according the
command. As you see [OK] that display in the Putty,
it's a response from the wifi. When the response is
received, means the wifi is in a good condition.

At the same time, I had be informed by Nik,
before I send the AT commands, I should find
out the IP address, gateway and also the subnet
of the wireless router.

To find it, clicked "Start", type "run" and
type cmd, and OK.
It will display the IP address, gateway and
the subnet.

When in AT commands, the end number
of IP address should change with the other
number. Like an example, IP address for
the wireless router:,
so, it need to change to
The number can be change with any
The reason you change this IP address is
to make this wifi shield as a server.

When it is done, you put the IP address
and port in Putty configuration like below :

The port is 4000 is fixed.
As Nik mentioned, this is common port
in networking line. The, clicked OPEN.
It will display like below :

You can see the configuration is already
display the IP address that we set in AT command.
So means the wifi is already acted as a server. Then,
by opening the serial monitor, it will display
when the "Welcome to dfrobot" is typed in putty,
the serial monitor will receive the "Welcome to dfrobot".

So, means the wifi is successful.
All this really helpful for me to proceed my part
by follow the instruction as Nik already mentioned
to me.
Thank you to Nik and also En.Azmi. :)

Week 11 - Wifi Shield is arrived !

Thursday, 18 October 2012

As salam...

Post for the week 11..
Wifi Shield V2.2 is already arrived.

All the documentations that related with this wifi
are printed out.
The software of WizSmartScript is downloaded.
The wifi is ready to setting up.

The WizSmartScript Software
1st step:
I need to set the COM port, that is 11 and the baud
of 115200. Then clicked the "Start Script".
The result should be display as below by referring in the
set up document.

When the setting up is success will proceed on the
tutorial. The tutorial is also by using the WizSmartScript:

1)  Checked the COM port depends on your
    Arduino com port and also the baud must be 115200.
2)  Clicked "Wizard".

It will show this:

But for my part, it is not displayed as above.
Mine is appeared as shown in this video :

I've met Sir Zul regarding on this problem.
He also tried  by doing the same steps as I had done..
The result still error and when find the wizfi, still state
He said it might be the hardware problem.
Basically, this wifi need a wireless router.
But when to find the wifi module there is no
related with wifi router, it is related with
COM port Arduino only.

Sir Zul suggested, to call the person that I bought
this wifi. Informed them the problems.
Unfortunately, the person in charge is the seller not
a technician. So for me to communicate with the
techinician must be through an email. For sure,
it's complicated for me if not face to face.

Other solution, Sir Zul had a contact person with En.Azmi.
The person who are in experienced in Arduino.
The coincidence En.Azmi also sell this wifi shield V2.2
DF Robot. When Sir Zul informed him the status of
wifi and he gave a good response through the phone call.
I've decided to see him on the spot at Shah Alam.
I wish the wifi is going well. :)

Week 11 - SpO2 coding.....

Monday, 15 October 2012

As salam..

This week already week 11..
Sensor done !
Coding for heart rate done !
Wifi on the way....
Coding for pulse oximeter still on research...

Especially on the Arduino coding..
Actually already in month, I'm still in searching this
pulse oximeter program..
I had search in YouTube about the pulse oximeter
project. Mostly the result is displayed in waveform..
The coding mostly not share with public..
and some of are not for pulse oximeter..
but for heart rate..

I had asked my seniors that had an experienced in this
pulse oximeter. One of that I asked.. I'm explore the
coding. The coding that used is JAL program and the
measurement of pulse oximeter in this program
is same with the heart rate. So the reading for heart rate
and pulse oximeter are same.
For sure the reading of pulse oximeter is wrong here.
We know the normal reading for pulse oximeter is about
I'm also doing my research in library which looking
on the final year report. One of is related with pulse oximeter
and that one the only used Arduino program.
The other used a PIC program but when I'm looking on
the program, it shows measurement on heart rate.

Generally, calculation SpO2 in theory is

Oxygen Saturation =  C(HbO2)/ (C(Hb) + C(HbO2) x 100%

C (Hb) = Concentration of deoxygenated hemoglobin
C (HbO2) = Concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin

The comprehension about the pulse oximeter is like below:

When the finger is placed between the light source and the light
detector, the light will pass through the finger to reach the 
detector. Part of the light will be absorbed by the finger and
the part not absorbed reaches the light detector.

The amount of light is absorbed by the finger depends on
many physical properties and these properties are used by the
pulse oximeter to calculate the oxygen saturation.

The amount of light absorbed depends on the following:

1)   Concentration of the light absorbing substance.
2)   Length of the light path in the absorbing substance
3)   Oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin absorbs
      red and infrared light differently.

The different of absorbent of the red and infrared light
will give the different wavelength. Which the Oxy Hb is
absorbs more infrared light than red light.
For the Deoxy Hb is absorbs more red light than infrared
light. By this it can be related with the calculation in theory.
The problem here is to get in coding is a big problem
for me. Whatever it is I should find it !

Week 10 - Pulse Sensor is arrive ! :)

Friday, 12 October 2012

As salam..

Alhamdulillah..after a few weeks, the Pulse Sensor
that I had order for the last few weeks is arrived.
I received the new upgrade of Pulse Sensor.
This one is the Pulse Sensor Amped.
The different with the previous one, this new sensor
produced a nice waveform where can see the PQRST

It's really excite me to try this one..
Before I try, as mentioned in the previous post,
I have to prepare the sensor by doing the right

Done on that, I'm trying the sensor by uploaded the
Arduino programme and the Processing.
Below is the result :

The next video is show when the sensor is out
from the fingertip:

From the videos, it proved that sensor is more 
better than old one. I mean the graph is better 
compare with the last sensor. 
Conclusion for the sensor is settle.
Just leave for pulse oximeter coding.
I need to proceed my research on the 
suitable coding.